The Power of Rituals
Whether it’s taking a nice long bath or creating a homey atmosphere with the rich scent of Asian incense, happiness can be found in the smallest of things of our daily routines. Vanessence unveil these moments and remind us to experience them with joy.
Lotus & Jujube
A fragrance to reduce stress and produce a calm state of mind

Lotus & White Tea
A soothing and caring fragrance to sharpen the senses

Sweet Orange & Cedarwood
Zesty, spicy, fresh yet sweet fragrance boosting, brightening, energising your mood

Rice Milk & Cherry Blossom
A delicate fragrance wonderfully relaxing

Eucalyptus & Rosemary
An energising and fresh fragrance with revitalising properties

Do you want to find out more about these fragrances and how Avenir and Vanessence can assist you with your fragrance developments?
Contact the team at